Mabior Bona Bol
$25.00 / monthMabior Bona Bol is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Tonj in Tonj, South Sudan. He began serving pastorally in 2016 as an assistant pastor, then in August 2019 he took over as the Senior Pastor. Since then, God has transformed the small church of 150 into a growing fellowship of believers with regular weekly attendance of over 800 people. Today, CC Tonj continues to grow as it teaches verse by verse from the bible. It is considered among the most influential churches in the area. In addition to Senior Pastor, Mabior also oversees the pastors of our 13 church plants in the surrounding villages of Tonj. Mabior has been married to Marget Akec, and they have two children.Read more -
Judah Udur Kur
$25.00 / monthIn 1994 he was in school for teaching, and the teacher taught him about Jesus. Two years later Juda went to church in Jezeira, at the Episcopal Church, where he was baptized. Pastors from IDAT would visit the village and invited Judah to come be trained in Bible teaching, so he started class in 2009, (IDAT Bible College 2009-2012.) In 2013 he started working in the clinic, praying for patients. He is one of the clinic chaplains as well as a facilitator of CHE, teaching young people to go out and share good practices to increase the number of Happy Healthy Homes.Read more -
Ruben Yak Lede Panther
$25.00 / monthRuben Yak Lede Panther is the Pastor of the IDAT church plant, CC Warrak, South Sudan. He began serving pastorally in 2013 as an assistant pastor. Ruben has been a Christian for most his life, having a strong trust and love for God. Even through his case of leprosy, and amazing recovery he never stops praising the Lord for his life and the blessings in his life. God has blessed Ruben with wisdom and a loving heart to help lead his people on the right path, and to give them hope and courage to stay strong in faith. Ruben is married and has many children and grandchildren.Read more -
Marko Wutchok Mayuang
$25.00 / monthMarko Wutchok Mayuang is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Kunyuk in, South Sudan. He began serving pastorally 3 years ago as an assistant pastor. Marko is committed to seeing growth in Kunyuk. He works diligently in seeing that the people of Kunyuk are fed not just regular food but spiritual food. Marko is active in CHE. Often helping Jono organize CHE activities and meetings. Marko is married but has no children yet.Read more -
Rebecca Achalog Medut
$25.00 / monthRebecca loves to be busy in the church. She helps organize and prepare church every Sunday in CC Pawel (Maloney). Rebecca oversees and leads the women's ministry in six church plant bible study groups during the week, and even attends bible study groups in her neighborhood. Rebecca understands the need for fellowship between all believers and pursues that whole heartedly. Rebecca loves to spread the good news of God’s love for Maloney area to anyone she sees. Rebecca is married and has eight children (6 boys and two girls) and runs her busy household with help from her oldest daughter Nyibol who is seventeen. Although she is always busy running around and cooking, she has joy in her step and a smile on her face. Nothing can take the joy and peace that she found in Jesus, not even a busy schedule.Read more -
Martin Goi
$25.00 / monthMartin Goi is the Senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Bobi, South Sudan. He began serving pastorally in 2015 as Senior pastor since 2017. Martin has a strong faith in God, and like Ps. Pascualo, wants to see spiritual growth spread throughout Bobi and all South Sudan. Though he had a challenging past couple of years, his faith has held strong and his family have grown closer since the tragedy of losing his father during tribal conflict. Martin pours himself out for his village, and family. He is dedicated to his wife, mother, children, sibling, and nieces and nephews. His love for them is evident in the way he wants them to have the best not just food and shelter but in Jesus Christ. Martin is married and has 3 children, but sadly one passed away.Read more -
Mayom Lual Bak
$25.00 / monthMayom is the Children’s ministry pastor of Calvary Chapel Tonj in Tonj, South Sudan. He first began serving pastorally in 2017, now he has been playing an active role in the church for 3 years. He teaches god’s love to the youth of Tonj, and the joy there is to follow Jesus and live in his ways. The Children’s ministry has been growing steadily thanks to the work and love that he pours in. His roles don’t just stop there, he is also a chaplain in the medical clinic on the weekends and helps pray for those in the ward. He is dedicated to teaching the love of Christ to those in need. Mayom was blessed to have grown up with a strong Christian belief and a loving and supportive family. He has been faithful in passing that on to his children. He is married and has four children.Read more -
Joseph Kuol Marial
$25.00 / monthJoseph Kuol is the assistant pastor of Calvary Chapel Tonj in Tonj, South Sudan. He came to Christ when he was 15 years old and has been serving pastorally for 3 years now. As assistant pastor, Joseph plays an active role in men’s bible study and youth group. Joseph is also a chaplain for the medical clinic, offering counselling and hope as needed. Joseph has been married to Monica for 20 years, and they have eight children.Read more -
James Akec
$25.00 / monthJames Akec is the pastor of Calvary Chapel in Palek, South Sudan. He began serving pastorally 3 years ago. Relative of Augustino Anyuat, James saw how wrong his family were and how he needed Jesus in his life. Seeing how Augustino’s life changed and how God was blessing him, James wanted the same for his life as well. After being saved he felt a burden on his heart to share the good news to the people of Palek and start a church there. God has truly blessed him in all that he is doing, and the church continues to grow. James is not married but is content in waiting for God to bring him the right woman for him. In the meantime, he is pouring his heart and soul into seeing growth in the church of Palek.Read more -
Augustino Anyuat
$25.00 / monthAugustino Anyuat is the pastor of Calvary Chapel in Ariamduar, South Sudan. He began serving pastorally 3 years ago as an assistant pastor. Augustino serves his people in Ariamduar with a love and passion to see a change. He first started the church with only his family members attending but soon enough more people started to trickle in, and God has blessed Augustino with more attending every week. Augustino has a fire and passion to see the people of Ariamduar saved. He has a burden for them and wants them to know how much God loves them and how blind they have become to God. He wants to Bring these lost sheep back to Jesus. Augustino hasn’t had it easy being a follower of Christ . His family are against him being Christian and not worshiping their Idols. However, Augustino held on to his faith and knew that what his family was doing is wrong and would not follow them. He started CC ariumduar because the only other churches were catholic and he knew that wasn’t right. God has Blessed Augustino with a wife and 4 children, Majok (M. 10), Mary (F. 8), Beek(M. 6) and amel (F. 3)Read more -
Pajiek Martin Khot
$25.00 / monthPajiek is an evangelist and currently pastoring our church plant in the remote village of Amoum-Got. Even though Pajiek's parents were Christians, they stopped going to church and he grew up without knowing Jesus as his Savior. As a teenager he faced many challenges, including being stung by scorpions almost daily! He lived very much in the world and was stubborn and fought a lot of people. Eventually his parents said they need to go back to church and the family started attending the local Episcopal Church. A few years later he heard about a new church called Calvary and went to see what it was about. He heard the Word of God being taught and really wanted to learn about the bible. He started attending the church and joined the local CHE team as a volunteer. Through CHE he realized his need for a Savior and gave his heart to Jesus. He felt a strong passion and urgency to share the gospel and felt God was calling him to his home village to oversee a new IDAT church plant. He is now serving that church in the village of Amoum-Got where he grew up.Read more -
Joseph Achuil Mabior
$25.00 / monthRead moreJoseph is a single young man and the pastor of CC Paraksika. He was born in Ngabagok in a Christian family. At age 17 he stopped going to church and was living his own life chasing sin. After 4 years he knew what he was doing was wrong and started to attend church again. In 2016 he started to attend CC Tonj and was convicted of his sins and repented. In 2020, he requested a church to be planted in the village of Waagir where he lives. IDAT pastors planted a church there and he had been faithfully attending when he felt the call to plant a church in the nearby village of Paraksika. This is currently the newest church planted in June 2021.
John Madut Agar
$25.00 / monthRead moreJohn Madut Agar is married with three children and is the pastor of CC Machar. He is not from that area but born in the Maloney area. He moved with his family to one of the most challenging villages. Machar is a headquarter for witchcraft in Tonj South region. Before he became a Christian he was a warrior, fighting and cattle raiding. He was among the ringleaders. His father was a spearmaster, which is a type of witchcraft used to curse people and bless them. He was due to inherit that role from his father. When the fighting was so bad in 2015, he was advised to stop fighting. Pastor Kharlo from CC Maloney invited him to church and he received Jesus Christ as his savior. His had a big problem with anger and hatred. His father had four wives and he was fighting with siblings from other wives. He can say looking back, God protected him from being shot in the village on many occasions and raised him up for His true calling. His family even now are upset by him attending church. They even created so many problems for the church in Maloney. After a few years he became the assistant pastor to Pastor Kharlo. The people in Machar were seeking God and asking for a church because they were witnessing what was happening in Maloney churches. Because of Pastor John's background and inside knowledge of the witchcraft, he agreed to go and start a church in Machar, which is about three hours walk from Maloney. This church was planted in 2020 and is in the center of many practicing witchdoctors. Please pray for Ps. John to remain strong in his faith in the face of persecution. Pray also for his protection.
Angelo Ngor
$25.00 / monthRead moreAngelo Malek Ngor is a single young man and pastor of CC Paduer. In 2019, his father became blind and told him to go to school. While in school he studied Christian Religious Education and started to go to church. He went on to study the bible with IDAT pastors. He sat and prayed everyday and asked God to use him. This year he agreed to lead CC Paduer, a new church plant of 160 people. He is also working with IDAT's Community Health Evangelism Program (CHE).
Daniel Akol
$25.00 / monthRead moreDaniel is married with three children. He is the pastor of CC Warcuei. He was working in the cattle camp and God came and spoke to him about going to church. He had lost all his family to death after they turned to witchcraft so he knew this was the devil and he didn't want this. So he decided to go to church and learn about God. Most of the people he sees coming to church are people leaving witchcraft behind to follow Jesus.
Daniel Mabith
$25.00 / monthRead moreDaniel is married with two children. He is the pastor of CC Kuanyja. He was originally attending a catholic church. He was frustrated that no one was teaching him the bible and people were still involved in witchcraft. He started seeking God and then due to tribal fighting was displaced and settled in Kuanyja. Pastors and CHE's from IDAT were preaching in Kuanyja and he heard the true gospel for the first time and realized he had been living in darkness all this time. He gave his life to Christ. When IDAT planted a church in Kuanyja he began serving passionately as an assistant pastor. Today he is overseeing the church and part of the pastoral team.
Kharbino Kuel Mabior
$25.00 / monthKharbino is a single young man on fire for the Lord. After school finished he started attending and serving in CC Tonj and his faith grew as he heard God's Word being taught every week. He became a student of the Word. Kharbino discipled a team in the IDAT soccer tournament and finally he stepped up to pastor a small village church in a village called Gieric.Read more -
Marko Agoth
$25.00 / monthMarko is a single young man who loves the Lord. He started attending CC Kunyuk in 2017. He read in his bible that those who practice witchcraft and fornication will not inherit the Kingdom of God. He felt convicted of his lifestyle, prayed and asked God to forgive him. Since then his life has changed and he became born again. Under Ps. Wutchok's guidance and discipleship he learnt about Jesus and committed to serve Him. Some challenges Marko faces is his father has multiple wives. He understands firsthand how this conflicts with his faith. In 2021 Ps. Wutchok planted a church in Wunalel and asked Marko to pastor that church. He has about 100 people coming every week. Please pray as he continues to witness to his family and share God's love for them.Read more -
Barnabas Bol Akol
$25.00 / monthBarnabas is a single young man, passionate about Jesus and serving as assistant pastor at CC Tonj. In 2014 Barnabas joined CC Tonj where he became born again and God totally changed his life. He had a dream that one day he would become a pastor. In 2021 he attended the Ministry in Uganda. In 2022 he took on the additional role of school administrator for IDAT's Tonj Bible Institute.Read more -
William Majok
$25.00 / monthRead morePastor William Majok serves as associate pastor for Calvary Chapel Tonj. He is married to Lokping and they have seven children.
William started attending CC Tonj and felt peace and prayed to receive Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Due to lack of government funding for schools, William started working in the IDAT Hospital as the registrar of patients. But more impressive was his heart for the Lord and his service to God in the church. As CC Tonj was growing he was invited to assist the Senior Pastor at Calvary Chapel Tonj. -
Santino Bak Mathiang
$25.00 / monthCulture says to sacrifice to idols, but a friend taught him these were evil things and he did not have to do them. He was baptized and started his faith journey, but became more convicted by the Holy Spirit during school to actually follow Jesus, not just believe in Him. God grew Santino during his years in school (IDAT Bible College, 2009-2012), then impressed on him to begin to share his faith with others, spreading the Gospel. Mission work in the village connected Santino to IDAT where they trained him and sent him to Malony to start the church there. After 3 years, he was called back to Tonj (and the IDAT Clinic,) and now travels back and forth as needed. Santino’s friendship with IDAT missionaries has grown, and he has been blessed by them even as he is a blessing to his community though CHE, Pastoral counseling, Jesus Films, Simply the Story, and overseeing church plants.Read more